Who, what, where?
Hiiiii :)) My real name is Clémence Russeil, a freaking french name hahaha ! Im 25. I am a Graphic - Brand Designer and Jewel Designer in Paris ! Two jobs ??? Of course I have two hands and only one life so let’s gooooo! I run my own small business in jewellery design : Push Jwls, a brand of upcycled jewels infused by family & friends love and curiosity.
How / why did you start PUSH JWLS?
My grand aunt is a very talented person. We share a lot of similarities and cultural passions. She helped me to open my mind and be curious about many things: classical art or vintage jewellery. She launched her own jewellery design business when I was young and I used to go to her house to make myself little jewels, and she taught me. Earlier this year I was a bit lost in my life. I felt frustrated by the intangible side of Graphic Design, and how I was far from humans. I wanted to do something alone with my hands that wasn’t ctrl + Z. I finally decided to launch my own jewellery business on the side. I chose Push because it is the nickname I use for people close to me. Push is also a very dynamic and positive word so it fitted me!
What's inspiring you right now?
Typography Design, a real passion of mine, of course: playing with legibility and letter shapes is a good training for designing jewellery, I think. Fashion Design is a great source of inspiration too! As I design upcycled jewels, vintage jewellery is also a very interesting source of inspiration, I love Paloma Picasso’s works and vintage Cartier jewels when Jeanne Toussaint was in the Cartier gang! My mom helps me to find nice ideas and inspirations, she’s an excellent adviser. For now I like to dig through Instagram to find interesting designers, some of my favorites ones are: Marland Backus (@marlandbackus), Any Other Kingdom (@anyotherkingdom_), Eva @ Charly (@aervyl) or Alisa Cayoo (@pompeznaya_ebuchka) to mention just a few.
If you could be any french patisserie item what would you be and why?
I don’t like thaaaat many French pastries (except the simple ones: croissant, pain au chocolat, brioche, chouquettes). I would prefer chose a Swedish pastry: Kanelbullar ! A perfect fusion between a Brioche and cinnamon. A mix of cultures. In 2019 I spent 3 months in Sweden for an internship and the minute I land in Stockholm I felt at home. Since I get back to France, every Sunday I go to buy a Kanelbullar instead of the Sunday Pain au Chocolat.
Where / when do you create your jewellery?
I design all my jewels in my nest, a 19m2 studio in Paris 5th arrondissement, shared with my soulmate, Hugo. I work when I have time, if I don’t work on Graphic Design projects, at night, literally all the time I can. My No.1 challenge? Storing all my stuff and my jewels in a tiny appartement where two humans are living. Graphic design days, jewellery design nights.
What's your favourite snack / lunch while you're working?
My faaaaaavorite lunch ever is a brunch! We can eat everything at a brunch. Everyday I eat 3 boiled eggs (soul food to me and for protein, I do sport every day) with plain bread for sure and I had different things depending of my mood : fruits, muesli, cheese, ham, salmon, vegetables, etc.
What have been the main challenges of starting your project?
My biggest challenge for Push jwls has been launching it. When I launched it I was already a freelance in Graphic Design, I finished my logo at 1am (end of march 2022). My friends, my big bro (bff in the world) and my grand aunt were very supportive, but some people did not understand how and why a Graphic Designer with a Master Degree in design should launch a jewellery business.
What's your favourite vintage store?
I went in lots of vintage stores in Paris but Vinted 100000000%. We can find everything on Vinted and way cheaper! Since I buy all my clothes on it, I feel so free to mix clothes. I mix football shirts with lingerie skirts, big grunge shoes with suit pants or adidas joggings with men shirts. Vintage is also the best choice for the planet buy less buy vintage pleaaaase.
Where do you source the materials to make your jewellery?
First of all, my grand aunt has a huge dead stock of beads, so I dig through it. I also go to the charity shop, Emmaüs. On Sundays there are many second-hand markets and car boot sales in Paris. I go there to find second-hand jewels and beads. I usually try to go at 6pm because people begin to leave and are ok to sale their stuff cheaper. At home I check every jewel. I dismantle each jewel to keep the interesting beads, chains and elements. I put aside those that are damaged or simply not my type. Then I store each element by category: real pearls, chains, glass bead, etc.
What's on your playlist while you're creating?
I cannot listen to music while I am working, I need to stay focused on my work, it’s very meticulous. However, if I had a playlist it would be 100000% french rap I like PLK, Damso, Niska, Laylow, Oboy, etc.
What's the most important thing you've learnt since starting your jewellery brand?
I am a designer 100% of the time, I sleep, eat, dream, drink design. I learned a methodology as a designer, and it is now an automatic mechanism in my life. Basically, a designer should help people find what are they looking for, fix a problem and find the most suitable solution for everyone. In 4 words: discover, define, develop, deliver. I use this methodology in my jewellery design process.
What's your favourite piece from the collection?
My heart is torn between the C.SP001 and the C.SP003. The C.SP001 is a master piece in the sense that it was very complicated and long to design. Each shell is perforated with a hand drill, meticulous as hell. The shells are super fragile. It needs around one hour for each hole and sometimes the shell breaks. However I feel more attached to the C.SP003, simpler and 100% my vibe : 80% chains, 10% piercings and 10% shells. What a perfect ratio!
Other small brands you'd like to give a shout out to?
Obviously my friends Impolitesse (@impolitessepeople) queens of disruptive fashion design. Eschleimann Studio (@eschleimann.studio) is a virtuous of silver and pearls. I also like Everyone’s Mother’s work (@everyones_mother_) it conveys a feeling of pure appeasement as if all of her work is natural and instinctive. It is hard to explain but true to feel.